This is a device that fits onto your iphone/ipod touch and enables you to watch films and animations that have been built in 3D. Well, the image is split into three sections so some parts are foregrounded and some backgrounded, the device has mirrors that reflect it up and hey presto a cinematic experience in the palm of your hand.
V2_Institute for Unstable Media is showcasing some works made specially for this, curated by Maki Ueda. The video explains how the technology works - how to prepare your images so they appear on screen as 3D.
V2_ seems like an interesting organisation to keep an eye on. If I were in Rotterdam I would try and get along to the showcase. It looks like several artists are developing work for the palmtop theatre following the artists workshops at V2_last year.
Palm Top Theater_i3DG, by Jitsuro Mase, Tom Nagae (JP) / DIRECTIONS, Inc.
As I can't get there I shall have to content myself with the videos and write-ups of the event.
I did notice when watching the youtube video that a couple of people have posted instructions on how they made their own versions of the viewer. Could be an interesting thing to try - a bit more complicated and time-consuming than making your own kaleidoscope perhaps.
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